Be Open to Change

Be Open to Change

O is for Open in the A to Z Challenge. Whether it’s change, adventure, or a new learning experience, we need to be open to it, be open to change. This is when No doesn’t work. Change happens all the time. It happens to us as we age. Change happens in...
Wait! Are We Moving Again?

Wait! Are We Moving Again?

M is for Moving in the A to Z challenge. You may remember that in 2019 we moved to Orlando from Connecticut. In 2022, we then moved to Bradenton. Next month, we’re moving again, but this time the move will still be within Bradenton. Last year, we moved in a...
Why Journaling is Important

Why Journaling is Important

J is for Journaling. It’s next up in my Blogging A to Z Challenge. And that’s what this Wednesday Whoa quote is about – It is a relationship with your mind, which is why journaling is important. Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation,...
I is for I am Enough

I is for I am Enough

Today is I is for I am enough in the A to Z Challenge. ‘I’ is both a letter and a pronoun. It is the pronoun I use for myself, and you also use it for yourself. Being able to say, I’m enough, carries a lot of meaning because so many people have a...
How Many Days Does it Take to Create a Habit?

How Many Days Does it Take to Create a Habit?

There’s a lot of confusion about how long it takes to create a new habit. I’ve heard anywhere from 21 days to 70 days. That’s a big swing. Exactly how many days does it take to create a habit? Habits are repetitive behaviors you do without too much...