Ghostly Witches in the Real World

Ghostly Witches in the Real World

I’m taking a quick trip to Connecticut this weekend for the Memorial Service for Chris’ dad, my Father-in-Law. And since Halloween is on Tuesday, I thought I’d reshare this post from 2016. Isn’t it interesting when you find ghostly witches in...
Why Journaling is Important

Why Journaling is Important

J is for Journaling. It’s next up in my Blogging A to Z Challenge. And that’s what this Wednesday Whoa quote is about – It is a relationship with your mind, which is why journaling is important. Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation,...
Why Does Creativity Thrive in Structure?

Why Does Creativity Thrive in Structure?

When we think of creativity, we often think of someone getting inspired and painting a masterpiece or writing that bestseller. But it doesn’t happen that way. That overnight sensation? Spent years honing her craft, practicing over and over and over again to get...
Are You in Need of Some Creative Inspiration?

Are You in Need of Some Creative Inspiration?

Feeling stuck? Can’t find the right words? Is your picture not looking the way you want it to look? Are you in need of some creative inspiration? Anna Quindlen said, “You cannot be really first-rate at your work if your work is all you are.” Much like...
That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

It’s pretty nice to be talented. If you are, enjoy, but it won’t take you that far. Work takes you a lot further.Natalie Goldberg That’s great if you’re talented, but do you put in the work?  It really doesn’t matter how talented you...
Using Creativity to Meet Your Goals

Using Creativity to Meet Your Goals

January is a time we focus on fresh starts. Usually, that means a list of goals to check off. But is this just a rote practice? Same goals…new year…check it off…again and again. Or is it time to do something new? What about using creativity to meet...
How to Use Sound to Stimulate Creativity

How to Use Sound to Stimulate Creativity

Do you sit alone in silence looking at the wall or out a window while you try to write? Do you scoff at people who work in coffee shops while you scribble nothings on paper and slowly nodding off? Are you interested in learning how to use sound to stimulate creativity...
7 Ideas to Smash Your Creative Funk

7 Ideas to Smash Your Creative Funk

We all get into creative funks sometimes. It happens. But how do you get out of them? Do you just wallow in the moment? Do you decide to give up fearing you’ll never be creative again? No. Instead, you can try one of these 8 ideas to smash your creative funk....