My Journey from Stuck to Creative Inspiration

My Journey from Stuck to Creative Inspiration

I fell into a funk about writing. Not something that usually happens, at least in the last ten years or more. I had a hard time getting out of that funk. And I realized that I was just like everyone else with writer’s block. Laughingly, it’s that thing...
Can Creativity be Taught or Are You Born with It?

Can Creativity be Taught or Are You Born with It?

It’s both. Yes, creativity can be taught. And yes, we’re born with it. We are all born to be creative. Some of us just forget that along the way. Creativity brought us from living in caves to McMansions. It brought us from the wheel to the spaceship. I...
C is for Collaboration Inspires Creativity

C is for Collaboration Inspires Creativity

Welcome to day 3 of the Blogging A-Z Challenge. Today is a dual word: collaboration and creativity. Most people have an image of creative people as loners who write while holding up in a lonely office. Or painters sitting off by themselves in a field somewhere....
Why Does Creativity Thrive in Structure?

Why Does Creativity Thrive in Structure?

When we think of creativity, we often think of someone getting inspired and painting a masterpiece or writing that bestseller. But it doesn’t happen that way. That overnight sensation? Spent years honing her craft, practicing over and over and over again to get...
Are You in Need of Some Creative Inspiration?

Are You in Need of Some Creative Inspiration?

Feeling stuck? Can’t find the right words? Is your picture not looking the way you want it to look? Are you in need of some creative inspiration? Anna Quindlen said, “You cannot be really first-rate at your work if your work is all you are.” Much like...