Give the Gift of Creative Inspiration

Give the Gift of Creative Inspiration

According to Boris Pasternak, “Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us.”  It’s time to surprise that artist in you or your friends with one of these 3 gifts to inspire your creativity.  Practice is important to creativity, but sometimes...
What Do You See in the Mirror?

What Do You See in the Mirror?

What face do you show to the world? Is it one of stress? Anger? Happiness? What is reflected back at you? Stress? Anger? Happiness? What do you see in the mirror? Years ago, a friend invited me to a drum circle that she was leading. I and my other friends had never...
What is Creativity, You Ask?

What is Creativity, You Ask?

What is creativity? According to Merriam-Webster, the first definition of creativity is the state or quality of being creative. Then the second definition goes further: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to...
Can Creativity be Taught or Are You Born with It?

Can Creativity be Taught or Are You Born with It?

It’s both. Yes, creativity can be taught. And yes, we’re born with it. We are all born to be creative. Some of us just forget that along the way. Creativity brought us from living in caves to McMansions. It brought us from the wheel to the spaceship. I...
To Avoid Criticism – Wednesday Whoa

To Avoid Criticism – Wednesday Whoa

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Elbert Hubbard There you have it. If you want to avoid criticism you literally do nothing. But is that what you really want? To do, say, and be nothing? I don’t think so. That’s why it’s so...
Now It’s Time to Unfold

Now It’s Time to Unfold

U is for Unfold in the Blogging A to Z Challenge. Now it’s time to unfold. My blog is named Unfold and Begin. At the beginning of this A to Z Challenge, letter B was for Begin, and I referenced why I named my blog Unfold and Begin. It’s a reminder that I need to...
Self-Care Means Loving Yourself

Self-Care Means Loving Yourself

Self-care is so important. S is for Self-Care in the A to Z Challenge. I write about this subject so often that it has its own separate category in my menu. Self-care means loving yourself, taking care of yourself, and not just everyone else. So many of us were taught...
12 Quotes for Women’s History Month

12 Quotes for Women’s History Month

This year’s Women’s History Month theme is Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Story. “The timely theme honors women in every community who have devoted their lives and talents to producing art, pursuing truth, and reflecting the human condition decade...
What’s One of Your Memorable Vacations?

What’s One of Your Memorable Vacations?

Did you ever have a vacation so memorable for you and your family that also became memorable for other people as well? That’s what happened when my sister, brother, and I decided to take a side trip. What’s one of your memorable vacations? I’ve...