My Mother Couldn’t Cook

My Mother Couldn’t Cook

I was actually looking for a quote about how badass my Mother was. Because she was. But then I came across this quote and it made me laugh. Laughed so much, I knew I needed to make a Wednesday Whoa post about my Mother who couldn’t cook. She was a skilled baker,...
Memories of My Mother

Memories of My Mother

I don’t have a specific “earliest” memory of my mother. But here are some things I remember from my childhood. Posting a day earlier than usual in order to honor her on Mother’s Day. Hair. My Mother had a weekly appointment to get her hair done...
Don’t Wear White After Labor Day

Don’t Wear White After Labor Day

This is one of my favorite posts from the past and that’s why I’m reposting it today. Labor Day was created to honor the American worker and the labor movement.  But when I was growing up, Labor Day meant three things to me.  Of course, there’s the...
Proof My Mother was a Bad Ass

Proof My Mother was a Bad Ass

And I mean that in a good way. You’ve read my mommyism posts where I quote some of the hilariousness of living with my mother. But there was another side to her and I’ve got proof that my mother was a bad ass. Whose Grave Am I In? Did I ever tell you about...
Did You Know it’s SOB Day?

Did You Know it’s SOB Day?

If you think I’m being crude–think again. SOB in this case stands for Spunky Old Broad. That’s right, it’s Spunky Old Broad day and February is also considered SOB month. Do you know a Spunky Old Broad who needs to know it’s SOB Day? SOB...
Funny Things My Mother Did

Funny Things My Mother Did

My mother was a funny lady. I’ve previously posted about the funny things she used to say. But it wasn’t just the things she said that were funny. Here are some of the funny things my mother did. Pork ChopsMy mother didn’t really learn to cook until...
We Need a Good Laugh Right Now

We Need a Good Laugh Right Now

Amid all of the fear and uncertainty; sheltering in place while feeling constrained; all the while listening to the horrifying news as the death rate and the number of infected with Covid-19 keeps getting worse. But when times are bleakest, we also need hope and a...
It Had To Be My Mother

It Had To Be My Mother

August 13th is a special date.  Not only is it my Mother’s 99th birthday today, but it’s also International Left-Hander’s Day.  Quite appropriate as my Mother started out life as a left-hander.  But, of course, there are stories to tell as it had to...
A Mother’s Day Look At Mommyisms

A Mother’s Day Look At Mommyisms

I’m doing something unusual on the blog today – posting on a Sunday instead of a Monday. But it’s Mother’s Day so I thought I would pay tribute to mom by compiling a Mother’s Day look at Mommyisms.  Mommyisms are those things that only a...
You Don’t Have To Get Old

You Don’t Have To Get Old

You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. George Burns None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm Henry David Thoreau You don’t have to be old as you age.  I truly believe that your outlook on life determines your age. ...