
J is for Journaling. It’s next up in my Blogging A to Z Challenge. And that’s what this Wednesday Whoa quote is about – It is a relationship with your mind, which is why journaling is important.

Whether you’re keeping a journal or writing as a meditation, it’s the same thing. What’s important is you’re having a relationship with your mind.

Natalie Goldberg

I’ve kept many journals, even a Period one. Seriously, I would track my moods and activity level based on what day it was. Day 1 was the first day of my period, and I would count each day until the start of my next period when it would be Day 1 again. Nothing fancy, either. I’d just track my mood and energy level. One line a day.

I also kept an evening journal where I’d track what happened during the day. I tried Bullet Journaling, but now I just keep a Moleskine notebook where I track my daily to-do’s and whatever else is going on. Sometimes I write my gratitude in there. I add thoughts, quotes, and whatever strikes me at the moment.

Most times, I write the start of all of my blog posts there. I also keep all of the notebooks. When I finish with one, I go back through it and find the notes about potential blog posts, and I mark the page with a sticky note. Whenever I’m at a loss for what to write about, I usually find myself going through these notebooks.

What’s your journaling style? If you’re unsure, here is a Mini Guided Journal for you.

This Wednesday Whoa quote is about - Journaling is a relationship with your mind, which is why journaling is important. #journaling #journaladdict #journalingisgoodforyou