If We Have No Peace

If We Have No Peace

If we have no peace, it is becausewe have forgotten that we belong to each other Mother Teresa We look forward to the time when the Power of Lovewill replace the Love of Power.Then will our world know the blessings of peace William Ewart Gladstone An...
Go After It With A Club

Go After It With A Club

You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club. Jack London If writers, if artists, if creators of any kind only waited until they were inspired to create then they might not have produced anything.  It took Michaelangelo four years to paint...
I Really Was The Greatest

I Really Was The Greatest

I figured that if I said it enough I would convince the world That I really was the greatest. Muhammad Ali Yes.  He was the greatest.  And we all knew it.  And, it was his repetition of that famous phrase, ‘I am the greatest,’ that made us believe it. Like...
It May Be Painful To Separate

It May Be Painful To Separate

Part of finding your soul is to wake up to this habit of thinking like others and go your own way. It may be painful to separate from those people who have given you a sense of belonging and purpose, but your soul is at stake.  Thomas Moore, A Life at Work: The Joy of...
But They Are Just Dreams

But They Are Just Dreams

Dreams are lovely.  But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty.  But dreams do not come true Just because we dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen.  It’s hard work that creates change. Shonda Rhimes Dreams do not come true just...
Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old

Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Henry Ford There are plenty of reasons to continue schooling.  To get an advanced degree.  To get an additional certification.  Just because it’s fun.  There...