
Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.
Jessica Jackley (Co-Founder of Kiva.)


That’s the thing about delegation.  We can’t decide what to give to someone else to do.  But we should learn.  It’s just as important in the corporate world as in the blogging world.

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I think bloggers have a really hard time with this because blogging is so personal.  We selected our host, our network, our theme.  We create fresh content with each post, we create images for social media.  And we put it out there hoping that people will like it and want to read more.  All very personal.

So when it starts to become too much and maybe it’s time to start thinking of finding some help, we struggle against that and try to find other areas in our life to cut back and do less so we can find more time for our blog.  (Our precious!)

Tim Ferris in the 4-Hour Work Week takes it a step further by telling us that we shouldn’t automate something that can be eliminated and that we shouldn’t delegate something that should be automated or streamlined.

It’s up to you to look at what you’re doing and make those decisions.  You need to decide which processes to keep, which ones are important for you to do and which can be delegated or automated.

Check out How To Rocket Your Stats with Social Media Management to find out how I delegated one part of blogging by hiring someone to take over something that I wasn’t really doing well.

Or read How To Stay On Task With These 4 Techniques to find out how I found ways to manage my time better.