March Winds Caught Up With The Blogging Boomers

March Winds Caught Up With The Blogging Boomers

The last winds of March are blowing through and having an effect on all of us. We can’t wait for spring and our posts reflect that yearning.  Whether it’s about how or where we retire to, healing, or yearning for spring weather you can definitely see how...
Blogging Boomers Greet The New Year

Blogging Boomers Greet The New Year

It’s a new year time to think about fresh starts, new goals and another year under our belts.  No matter what, the Blogging Boomers keep doing what they do best…writing blog posts and booming along. Read along to find out how these blogging boomers greet...
Blogging Baby Boomers in August

Blogging Baby Boomers in August

It’s time to for another edition of Blogging Boomers.  This time we catch up with my favorite Blogging Baby Boomers in August.  Let’s find out what they’re up to! Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond admits she is a worrier more than a warrior...
Time To Enjoy These Boomer Blogs

Time To Enjoy These Boomer Blogs

Time for summer the summer in the northern hemisphere and that must also mean it’s time to enjoy these Boomer Blogs!  So sit back and enjoy. Are you planning a road trip this summer? Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, writes about the best states for summer...
The Best Of The Blogging Boomers Bloom In April

The Best Of The Blogging Boomers Bloom In April

It’s that time of year where the daffodils and the boomers are all blooming. So appropriate since my part of Connecticut is hosting its annual Daffodil Festival.  But festival or not, the boomers like to keep you updated.  For your reading pleasure, I give you...
The Best Of The Blogging Boomers Bluster Into March

The Best Of The Blogging Boomers Bluster Into March

It appears that March does roar in like that figurative lion.  A huge storm blew into New England at the end of last week and it looks like another is about to strike this week.  Turns out the best of the Blogging Boomers bluster into March alongside that lion while...