
It’s that time of year where the daffodils and the boomers are all blooming. So appropriate since my part of Connecticut is hosting its annual Daffodil Festival.  But festival or not, the boomers like to keep you updated.  For your reading pleasure, I give you the best of the blogging boomers bloom in April!

First up, Sue wants to know how do you rate on your ‘worthy-o-meter’?  How would you rate on your Worthy-O-Meter?  Did you know you have one?  Sue Loncaric from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond looks at what this is and how you can improve it.  Valuing your self-worth and recognizing that taking time out for yourself is not selfish, but necessary, will ensure you live a fulfilled, happy and thriving life.  Read about it in ‘W’ Is for Worthiness – Valuing Your Own Worth.

Life can definitely be slippery, Carol Cassara points out at A Healing Spirit. But her post points out that something as simple as reaching out a helping hand to someone who needs it can be a big help.  Read about it in How We Can Ease The Pain Of Life.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist writes about How to Reduce the Amount of Harmful Pesticides You and Your Children Eat. The Environmental Working Group offers its annual listing of the Dirty Dozen, the fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residues, and the Clean 15, which have few if any, pesticide residues. Pediatricians encourage parents to consult EWG’s guide because pesticides can cause harm to infants, babies, and young children at even low levels like those found on some foods.

Laura Lee Carter had a hard time deciding whether to watch the first season of The Handmaid’s Tale because she read this dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood decades ago. She decided to go ahead and has been haunted by it ever since. Talk about thought-provoking!

Traveling north on the New York Thruway, Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting became nostalgic for the place she spent summers as a child. Veering off the highway, she found her grandparents’ summer retreat. She was Almost Home Again, for a short time.

Thank you to all who voted in the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards, voting closed on April 30th.  Now I’m waiting to find out the results, which will be announced on May 19th. My blog, Unfold And Begin has been nominated in the most inspirational category and I’m keeping my fingers crossed!   In my most recent interview, I chat with Ellen who has been through a lot of change in the last few years including a new marriage, two moves, and illness.  Find out how challenge makes her stronger.