
It’s a new year time to think about fresh starts, new goals and another year under our belts.  No matter what, the Blogging Boomers keep doing what they do best…writing blog posts and booming along. Read along to find out how these blogging boomers greet the new year.

The New Year began with Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting on the road, as she recounts in On the Road Again...and again…and again. She also wants to let her readers know she is having blog tech issues, discussed in Blog Bummer. If anyone can help, let her know!

Tom at Sightings Over Sixty is expecting some grandchildren. So in this week’s post, he has fun with the prospect of Naming the Grandchildren.  Some of his ideas are … imaginative, shall we say. See what you think of his suggestions.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer specialist, writes about holiday spending. About 93 million Americans, or 37 percent, overspent over the holidays, and 46 million people, or 18 percent of Americans, regret at least one holiday purchase, according to a survey. Savvy consumers should have a list of what they truly need or want, and wait until the best time or best deal to buy it, a professor of marketing recommends to avoid buyers’ remorse.

One of the annoying things for women growing older is that we tend to grow a muffin top around our middle. Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com tries on a top that’s designed to cover menopause bellies and hips from one of her favorite shops online. Meanwhile, she will be trying hard to work it off this year.

The tail wagging the dog? That’s pretty much what Carol Cassara found after almost two years of business. She was not running her business as much as it was running her. In this post about Ch-Ch-Changes, she talks about how she set some limits for how she’ll work in the new year to give herself more time for other things she loves.

And here on Unfold And Begin, after being asked a question, I realized that not everyone knew what should go onto a Vision Board.  I answer that question in What Do I Put on My Vision Board?

I hope you enjoyed this roundup of Blogging Boomer posts.

blogging boomers greet the new year on unfoldandbegin.com