It’s A May Blogging Boomer Round-Up

It’s A May Blogging Boomer Round-Up

I love spring. Or at least I did when I lived in Connecticut. Florida doesn’t really have the same kind of spring. Our spring weather is in February, I haven’t gotten used to that yet. But one thing I can count on in spring are my blogging boomers....
Springtime Blogger Boomer Catch Up

Springtime Blogger Boomer Catch Up

We’re mostly moved into our new apartment. The weather is beautiful in sunny Florida and spring is bursting forth in the north. It’s our springtime blogger boomer catch up. I hope you enjoy. Academy Award nominated movies for 2021 are often violent and...
Learning How to Love Ourselves During the Aging Process

Learning How to Love Ourselves During the Aging Process

We often focus on others during Valentine’s Day, showing outward love and affection to our spouse, children, and friends. But do you focus on yourself at this time? Do you treat yourself with the same importance, especially now with our aging bodies. Join me in...
Catch Up with Blogging Boomers

Catch Up with Blogging Boomers

Chilly February day? Check. Phil saw his shadow? Check. Time to snuggle in and catch up with my blogging boomers friends. I hope you enjoy. Insomnia is one of the scourges of the Boomer generation. Carol Cassara has put together some interesting new tips for getting...
Nestle into These Boomer Blogs

Nestle into These Boomer Blogs

It’s the week before Christmas and I heard you had some quiet time to yourself. So curl up in a corner with some hot chocolate and nestle into these boomer blogs. I think there’s a little bit of something for everyone. Ever feel like you stumbled through...
Enjoy a Treat of Boomer Blogs

Enjoy a Treat of Boomer Blogs

It’s a night of tricks or treats and although I love a good trick now and then, tonight I’ll go with treats. Blogs treats, that is. Please enjoy a treat of boomer blogs to read through before giving out your candy! First up, let’s start with a real...
A Treasure Trove of Blogging Boomers

A Treasure Trove of Blogging Boomers

It’s time for my regular round up of my blogging boomer crew. By the most recent posts, it’s clear we’re all getting out into the sun, blinking our eyes, and figuring out what’s next. Enjoy this treasure trove of Blogging Boomers. Tom, at...
A Mother’s Day Bundle of Blooming Boomers

A Mother’s Day Bundle of Blooming Boomers

As the northern areas of the US stick to the gardening wisdom of planting on or after Mother’s Day, I thought I’d share a bundle of blooming boomers…bloggers that is. Here’s a recent round-up of some of my favorite boomer bloggers. Recognizing...
An Extra Boomer Sunday in January

An Extra Boomer Sunday in January

It’s the 31st which means it’s an extra boomer Sunday in January. And do I have some boomers to read. Sit back, get cozy, and stay warm if you’re in the path of the storms coming across the country, and enjoy some quick reads with my favorite...
From My House to Yours – A Round-Up

From My House to Yours – A Round-Up

From my house to yours…it’s time for a round-up of some of my favorite boomer bloggers. From the sound of it, even though Christmas is right around the corner, we’re still focused on the effects of Covid on our lives. Watch out for scams related to...