
It’s the week before Christmas and I heard you had some quiet time to yourself. So curl up in a corner with some hot chocolate and nestle into these boomer blogs. I think there’s a little bit of something for everyone.

Ever feel like you stumbled through some black hole in the universe, only to find yourself in 1969 London? Laurie Stone did when she watched all eight (!) hours of “Get Back,” the Disney documentary on one of the Beatles last recording sessions. The quality of this video is so good, she felt like she “lived” with these icons for a week. It taught her several things and even knocked out some long-held beliefs. I’ve been watching it with my husband, are you watching it?

Sleep apnea is a scourge for many Boomers and Carol Cassara is no different. But when her doctor ordered a sleep study, she certainly didn’t expect it to be so…fraught. She talks about it in her post, My sleep(less) study at the Dis-Comfort Inn.

Just when she thought there is more stuff to worry about health-wise, Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com discovered she had an infected hangnail. It would have been nothing to fret about until she got some test results and found out it was a staph infection. She is on the mend but read her post to find out why you need to take care of something like that right away.

Getting older can be . . . entertaining. This week, Diane, from On the Border, explores this topic…in rhyme in Ice…Creamed. It’s a hoot!

If you’re looking for ways to help victims of the recent tornadoes in Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri, make sure that scammers don’t trick you into wasting your money and good intentions. See tips from Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, to ensure that your donation will go to a reputable organization that will use the money as promised.

Tom from the blog Sightings Over Sixty wonders if we get more pessimistic as we age, and more nostalgic for the past. Sometimes it does seem like life was better back when we were kids. But then in Too Old … Too Cynical? he starts to remember some of the realities of life back in the day.

Meryl Baer of Bech Boomer Bulletin has a talent for visiting places when others might shun them – like Florida in summer. This week she ventured north to visit family in Vermont. Too late to enjoy leaf season, too dark too many hours of the day, she still had a wonderful time with her granddaughters, including a try at a sport not attempted in years – ice skating, as she relates in this week’s post, On the Road and Rink…again.

I hope you enjoyed that hot chocolate while you caught up with my favorite boomers. And remember that 2022 is right around the corner and it’s time to review your year and make sure you goals and vision board are on track.