
We’re mostly moved into our new apartment. The weather is beautiful in sunny Florida and spring is bursting forth in the north. It’s our springtime blogger boomer catch up. I hope you enjoy.

Academy Award nominated movies for 2021 are often violent and unimaginative with some very dark themes, says Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Take a look at her picks to win the golden statues. She watched 35 movies for her review.

Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin lives in an economically diverse resort community. The majority of residents are comfortable, but there are those who are not so fortunate, folks whose circumstances mirror the economic disparity rampant in the country today. Baer’s street is a micro version of these two diverse groups living side by side, described in this week’s post, Some are Comfortable, Others Not So Much.

Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com has been thinking about her hair. To dye or not to dye? Are there hair rules for older women? What is the long, medium, and short of it? Read her thoughts about it here.

The other day Laurie Stone stood in her yard when she heard that lovely sound. Against the blue sky was the familiar V-formation of a dozen geese, trumpeting their arrival like noisy house guests. She watched, feeling that familiar stirring. Spring is here. 

Tom from Sightings Over Sixty got to thinking about all the skills he has developed over the years … and how many of them are now obsolete. Check out Are We Obsolete? to see if your skill set is up-to-date, or ready to put out to pasture.

As Diane of On the Border realized, we’ve all done things throughout our lives that, in hindsight, seemed…inexplicable. And yet we have to own them. Because…hey, we did it. One good thing? Those ‘inexplicables’ make the best stories…

Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in? There are more of us than you might think, and Carol Cassara addresses some of the benefits of not being “in the pack” on her blog in What Does It Mean to be the Black Sheep?

I hope you enjoy your opportunity to catch up with my favorite bloggers. Until next time!