Disappoint Others By Learning How To Say No

Disappoint Others By Learning How To Say No

Sometimes we have a hard time saying no.  I think this is especially true for baby boomer women.  We’ve trained all of our lives on how to take care of others.  We’re the one that others turn to, rely on, and always ask help from. And that’s great if...
Revisiting My Word Of the Year

Revisiting My Word Of the Year

My word for the year is renewal.  In my post, 2017 is the Year for New Beginnings, I wrote about how I needed to take care of myself, reconnect with who I’ve always wanted to be, renew relationships and remove clutter in order to unfold and begin again....
Clearing Out the Clutter of My Mind

Clearing Out the Clutter of My Mind

With all that’s going on between work closing down, starting a new career, packing up my house to sell it and moving in with my mother my mind has been a swirling mess.  Add in an unethical bully for a future President and a misogynistic Congress and I’ve...
Why Is There So Much Crap In Here?

Why Is There So Much Crap In Here?

It’s easier to get rid of things when you’re giving them to someone who can use them. But don’t let this kind intention become a source of clutter itself.   I have a friend who has multiple piles all over her house, each lovingly destined for a...