Use This Line For A Creativity Prompt

Use This Line For A Creativity Prompt

I love the movie The Hunt For Red October.  A young Alec Baldwin played Jack Ryan and Sean Connery as the defecting Russian sub Commander.  Tense sea battles, a satisfying ending, and a line that sticks in my head.  “You arrogant ass.  You’ve killed...
A Change In Format

A Change In Format

For the past year, I’ve been posting regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  It’s been challenging but fun to keep up the pace each week.  Sometimes, though, a change is needed.  So there is a change in format coming around the corner. Did you ever...
I Was Never Kinder To The Old Man

I Was Never Kinder To The Old Man

The 19th is a special number for me. Important things happen on that day. One August (1991) it was when I was hired at a company that I worked at for 25 years. In May it was both a day that I quit smoking (2002) and got married (2011.) In January it was the birth of...
Could This Be In Dr. Who?

Could This Be In Dr. Who?

I love Dr. Who.  I admit that I’m late to the series, having only started watching it about 5 years ago.  I stumbled across an episode on TV and then found that it was on Netflix and went back to the beginning of the modern era Doctors.  Sadly, Netflix no longer...
Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

I love all the designs in this picture.  So many shoes, so many different sole patterns.  This picture is over 10 years old.  My son and I were visiting family out in Blythe, CA and they took us out into the desert for a night time bonfire.  We watched satellites and...
What Would She Do At 75?

What Would She Do At 75?

So this week, I was thinking that the prompt I would use would go with the theme of the week: the call center closing.  I even had a picture planned that showed the empty desks and chairs.  But, now that’s it’s done and the center is closed, I’m just...
The Return of Creativity Prompts

The Return of Creativity Prompts

It’s been retired for awhile, but I always knew that I would bring Creativity Prompts back once I had more time to allow for a third post each week.  With my job winding down as the call center gets ready to close, more time is on the horizon, so it’s the...