
Over the years I’ve shared some interesting creativity prompts.  Some are quotes or first or last lines of books and others are pictures. I think creativity prompts work for any artist of any medium, whether it’s writing, painting, mixed media, etc.  Creativity prompts can work for anyone. Below, I’m sharing three spooky creativity prompts that are all pictures that I’ve taken around the state of Connecticut.

The Vultures are Waiting

I took this picture in CT outside of the Squantz Pond State Park entrance.  I just thought it was a little creepy to see three vultures waiting in a dead tree.  One vulture rewarded me with spread wings just as I took the picture.  Of course, it had to be a creativity prompt.

The vultures are waiting on UnfoldAndBegin.com

She Is Watching

This one is a little creepy or maybe a little funny.  I think creepy because it freaked me out when I saw it.  Nervous laughter followed after but it wasn’t my first response.  Let’s just say that I’m glad I didn’t spot it at night!  Goosebumps!  The funny story behind this is that my husband was mowing the lawn and was picking toys up and other items and putting them aside.  While it looks like it’s only the head of a doll, there is a body attached behind the wood.


Flight Of The Witches

Isn’t it fun when you take a picture and find something in it that you weren’t expecting?  I took a picture of the full moon through the trees and when I enlarged it, I found these eerie flying witches.  That’s what I see, maybe you see something different?

Can you handle this scary prompt on UnfoldAndBegin.com

I hope you enjoyed this stroll down Eerie Memory Lane.