
For the past year, I’ve been posting regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  It’s been challenging but fun to keep up the pace each week.  Sometimes, though, a change is needed.  So there is a change in format coming around the corner.

Did you ever find yourself in a position of wanting to do something new but you already love what you are currently doing?  That’s where I am right now.  I love what I post about on Unfold And Begin.  Period.  I love writing about creativity and trying new things and vision boards.  These are things that all resonate with me.  But I want more.  And yet, I don’t want to change the theme of this blog.  I like it.  My readership is increasing and I have so much more to say in this area.

But still.  I want more.  So I’m currently working on a couple of new projects with my husband.  One is helping him to get his own blog started.  He is a chef and sees a lot of blogs and videos of people sharing recipes but holding their knives wrong.  And not following recipe directions like mashing when they should be dicing.  We are in the process of setting him up and creating posts.  I’ll make an announcement when we’re ready to go.

Another project that we’re working on is a combined blog where we’ll share fun things we do, unsolicited relationship advice and how we have fun together.  More to come on this one as well.

Because my time will be split between other blogs, I’m cutting back on my posting days here.  My main post of the week will continue to be on Monday.  And you will find what you’ve already come to expect with Unfold And Begin.  Posts on creativity, starting over, trying new things and Vision Boards and goal setting.  I’ll always reserve the right to write about other things including my family.  Mommyism posts are pretty popular and you can expect to find more of those in the future.

The change that I’m making is that I’ll no longer post a Creativity Prompt on Fridays and instead will combine that with my Wednesday Whoa posts.  I’ve been having fun with creativity prompts, using pictures and quotes and even information about the history of the date and I hope you’ve been enjoying them as well.  They will post every other week.  Wednesday Whoa’s have always been a quote that I use to make you think a little deeper.  Usually, I tie it to the previous post on Monday, but not always.

I hope you appreciate the need for the change right now.  As always, I’d love to hear what you’re thinking.