How To Work Around A Creative Block

How To Work Around A Creative Block

I know creativity can be elusive but if you love to create, no matter the medium, then we must create.  But how do we keep going when we are blocked?  I recently stumbled across a concept that I love and I think will help you learn how to work around a creative block....
Go After It With A Club

Go After It With A Club

You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club. Jack London If writers, if artists, if creators of any kind only waited until they were inspired to create then they might not have produced anything.  It took Michaelangelo four years to paint...
15 Creative Websites To Inspire You

15 Creative Websites To Inspire You

As you must have guessed by now, I love creative inspiration.  I look for it everywhere.  In nature, in the malls, in books, and online.  I love finding inspiration online whether it’s from a fellow blogger, a photographer, or a store. I thought I’d share...
The Importance Of Play And Imagination

The Importance Of Play And Imagination

I can preach about the importance of play and imagination on creativity and innovation, but I thought I would let the experts say it best. You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible. Deepak Chopra   Serious play is not an oxymoron; it is...