That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

It’s pretty nice to be talented. If you are, enjoy, but it won’t take you that far. Work takes you a lot further.Natalie Goldberg That’s great if you’re talented, but do you put in the work?  It really doesn’t matter how talented you...
Do I Really Have A Niche-Less Blog?

Do I Really Have A Niche-Less Blog?

Whenever I read posts about blogging two of the main things they mention are content and niches.  Content is a no-brainer, if I don’t have blog posts why would you come to a blog?  But a Niche is a different thing.  A niche provides a...

Blogging Boomers Collaborate on Another Post

Collaboration is my theme this week and what a perfect way to kick off that theme than by showing how the blogging boomers collaborate on another post. We may come from different areas of the country, but we are all baby boomers who blog. And we all came together to...
March Winds Caught Up With The Blogging Boomers

March Winds Caught Up With The Blogging Boomers

The last winds of March are blowing through and having an effect on all of us. We can’t wait for spring and our posts reflect that yearning.  Whether it’s about how or where we retire to, healing, or yearning for spring weather you can definitely see how...
Blogging Baby Boomers in August

Blogging Baby Boomers in August

It’s time to for another edition of Blogging Boomers.  This time we catch up with my favorite Blogging Baby Boomers in August.  Let’s find out what they’re up to! Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond admits she is a worrier more than a warrior...
I Was Never Kinder To The Old Man

I Was Never Kinder To The Old Man

The 19th is a special number for me. Important things happen on that day. One August (1991) it was when I was hired at a company that I worked at for 25 years. In May it was both a day that I quit smoking (2002) and got married (2011.) In January it was the birth of...
Who Is The Woman In The Picture?

Who Is The Woman In The Picture?

It’s 1941.  Probably late spring.  The Great Depression is ending and it’s just before the start of World War II.  A young woman steps off a porch…what’s her story?  Who is the woman in the picture? I know who that woman is and I can tell you...