The First Step Towards Change

The First Step Towards Change

The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. Nathaniel Branden We’ve all heard the phrase that change is inevitable.  Change happens whether we want it to or not. As each day goes by, nature reminds us of change.  The sun rises and...
2017 Is The Year For New Beginnings

2017 Is The Year For New Beginnings

2016 was a year of loss for me.  From losing a beloved Uncle to losing David Bowie and Alan Rickman, Prince and Gene Wilder.  To my impending job loss and to losing our election hopes.  And so many other losses in between.  I thought we might make it out of 2016 with...
Tomorrow is the Most Important Thing

Tomorrow is the Most Important Thing

Tomorrow is the most important thing in life Comes into us at midnight very clean. It’s perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands. It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday. John Wayne Yes, tomorrow comes to us fresh.  We get to start over...
5 Ways To Try Something New

5 Ways To Try Something New

Does trying something new scare or overwhelm you?  Usually, I ask that question and people jump to their big fear and say “Yes, it scares me.”  But you don’t have to start with the big fear (flying, heights, clowns,) you can start much smaller and...
3 Solo Vacation Options for Women

3 Solo Vacation Options for Women

When I was 42, I found myself single and not sure what to do.  I knew I wanted to do things, and go places, but I didn’t know how to do them alone.  Luckily, I have great friends and they helped me to get out the door.  And below are options for 3 solo vacations...