That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

That’s Great If You’re Talented, But Do You Put In The Work?

It’s pretty nice to be talented. If you are, enjoy, but it won’t take you that far. Work takes you a lot further.Natalie Goldberg That’s great if you’re talented, but do you put in the work?  It really doesn’t matter how talented you...
Read This If You Need Inspiration

Read This If You Need Inspiration

We all struggle some days.  Self-doubt creeps in.  We wonder if we will ever be good enough.  Will people like us?  Will people like what we produce?  It’s those days that we all need some encouragement.  So read this if you need inspiration. This post contains...
Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old

Anyone Who Stops Learning Is Old

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. Henry Ford There are plenty of reasons to continue schooling.  To get an advanced degree.  To get an additional certification.  Just because it’s fun.  There...
What She Did To Travel The World

What She Did To Travel The World

Today I’m interviewing Tiffany Schureman who early on knew that she wanted to travel the world.  When an overseas job opportunity became available she jumped at the chance to move to Qatar.  Tiffany is the blogger behind A Girl And Her Passport where she shares...
All The Atoms In The Universe

All The Atoms In The Universe

We are stardust, did you know that?  And that’s not just Joni Mitchell telling us in song, but Neil deGrasse Tyson, an Astrophysicist who said it.  We are “…all the atoms in the universe.”  So, if we are truly stardust, then what is holding us...
When You Realize There Is Nothing Lacking

When You Realize There Is Nothing Lacking

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu Last year, as changes were happening in my life, I chose Renewal as my word of the year.  It was a new concept for me, choosing a word that represents my year ahead, but renewal was the...