The Best Quote From Wonder Woman

The Best Quote From Wonder Woman

There are a lot of great lines in Wonder Woman and you might think that I would pick, “I am the man who can.”  It’s a great line, too.  But there is one that is far better.  It doesn’t really look like it is at first, but under the surface of...
Why We All Need That One Friend

Why We All Need That One Friend

We all need that friend. That one friend who won’t let you sit in the corner.  You know, the one who pushes you or dares you or challenges you to try something you’ve never done before.  I found myself stuck in a rut (working, eating, TV and...
Walk Boldly Through Your Obstacles

Walk Boldly Through Your Obstacles

I think this pretty much sums up the theme this week.  Making those scary decisions to move forward. Walk Boldly through your obstacles.  For the most part, the obstacles that we face are built up in our mind to appear larger than they are.  They should come with...