It Always Stays Like An Old Friend

It Always Stays Like An Old Friend

But when fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and...
Have Fun With This Creativity Prompt

Have Fun With This Creativity Prompt

Just what you were looking for a creativity prompt about job loss.  But I think you might have some fun with this one.  It’s from Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  Sounds innocent enough.   I hope you have fun with this creativity prompt.  Where will it take...
It’s All In The Family

It’s All In The Family

47 years ago today All In The Family debuted on television.  It was 1971.  I was 10 years old.  I remember being shocked even as I was laughing at the show.  It was so controversial at the time.  Here was the main character, Archie Bunker,  who showed the worst of...
What Happens When Cartoons Are Horror

What Happens When Cartoons Are Horror

Oh, I thought we’d have some fun with this because Netflix often has fun with me.  Have you ever gone into Netflix and had the categories all mixed up?  Happens to me all the time which is why I want to have some fun with it in this creativity prompt.  What...
The Delight In Lighting Up Christmas

The Delight In Lighting Up Christmas

Remember when the day after Thanksgiving didn’t mean Black Friday sales?  Remember when the day after Thanksgiving meant waiting for Santa to arrive and the delight in lighting up Christmas?  Santa would turn the key that lit up the tree and all the lights in...
Suddenly There Was A Ring At The Door

Suddenly There Was A Ring At The Door

Once there was a little girl called Sophie. She was having tea with her mummy in the kitchen. Suddenly there was a ring at the door. Sophie’s mummy said, “I wonder who that could be?” The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr I love opening lines in books,...
The Stillness Of Nature Alone

The Stillness Of Nature Alone

In keeping with my Vincent Van Gogh theme this week, my creativity prompt is one of his sketches.  It goes with a quote of his that discusses the stillness of nature alone. This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small amount of money if you make a...
The Central Heating In His Belly

The Central Heating In His Belly

We all have favorite books.  Books that we go back to time and again.  The story and the characters touched us in some way and keep drawing us back.  There are a lot of books that I go back to, mysteries and suspense that I shared with my sister Joni.  Or fantasy and...