
That’s the thing with new things. You never know until you try. You either watch them go by or you try. What type of person are you? The type to watch them go by or the type who is going to give it a go? That’s today’s Wednesday Whoa to think about.

You never know what you can do until you try, and very few try unless they have to.

C.S. Lewis
That's the thing with new things. You never know until you try. You either watch them go by or you try. #trynewthings #trysomethingnew

And something new doesn’t have to be something outrageous. Something new for you might be taking a new route to work, or going to the movies or a restaurant by yourself. Reading a book in a different genre or watching a documentary instead of a Sitcom.

We’re all different and so are the different options of new things we can try. Start with something easy and go from there.

That's the thing with new things. You never know until you try. You either watch them go by or you try. #trynewthings #trysomethingnew