
Time to try something new again. I’ve decided to jump in and try the Sunday Stills photo challenge that Terri of Second Wind Leisure has on her website. This week’s challenge is about shadows. What is in the shadow at dusk?

What is in the shadows at dusk? #SundayStills #LakeEola #PinkSky

You might think I’d consider this more reflection than shadow, but what sticks out to me is how the building is casting a shadow that makes the bottom of the picture darker, while the pink sky is making the top of the picture lighter. This is one of my favorite spots at work, the third-floor landing overlooking the atrium in my office building. We sit right on Lake Eola in downtown Orlando.

It’s also interesting to note that the pinkness of the sky was created by an intentional burn that was going on just outside of Orlando. As soon as you walked outside of the building all you could smell was smoke. Since the temperatures were a crisp 50 something (cool for Orlando in January,) it almost reminded me of being back in New England and smelling a wood-burning fireplace. Not something you find a lot of in Florida.

I was inspired to join the Sunday Stills by Deb from Deb’s World.

#SundayStills can be found on Terri’s Second Wind Leisure blog.