
In the best of May Boomer blogs, I hope that I can point you in the direction of some interesting bloggers who are sharing the stories of life in Covid-19.

Not surprisingly, Carol Cassara has noticed an uptick in requests for her grief products at A Healing Spirit. But she was shocked to the core when a client related the advice a grief therapist had given when she lost a loved one to Covid.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, writes about an analysis by Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group, of the 12 things President Donald Trump did to speed the pandemic and push the death count higher. Among them are he ignored warnings, failed on testing, spewed lies, silenced experts, and rushed to reopen.

This week Tom at Sightings Over Sixty offers up a story about a young man who woke up in the middle of the night and thought he heard noises coming from somewhere in the kitchen or living room. Had someone broken into the house? He was too afraid to go out of his room. He panicked . . . . Check out Scare in the Night to find out what was happening, to see how fragile our lives are, how quickly things can go wrong. 

One of the exciting parts of Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting’s quarantine days is mail call. But she watches the news and is heartbroken that the hallowed institution of the U.S. Post Office may not service civilians for long. She laments this fact in Mail Call!

Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles has had her cat Rocky almost 16 years, the longest of any animal in her 40 year marriage. Now 81 in human years, Rocky is stone deaf and arthritic. His once-supple spine feels ridged and knobby. Rocky used to be the new kitty on the block, brash and bold. Now he’s elderly. The other day Laurie discovered something that may signal Rocky’s end is nearer than she thought. 

When you can’t go on vacation do the next best thing. Watch it on television. Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com was given the opportunity to check out Britbox. Now, she’s enjoying exotic destinations by choosing shows that were shot on location in places she wants to be right now. Check out where she’s been travel dreaming here.