
It’s been a while since I shared a Best of Boomer Blogs post. I’ve been missing my favorite bloggers; hopefully, you have too. Let’s snuggle up with these Boomer Blogs.

It’s an oldie but goodie (like all of us!) over at Carol Cassara’s blog when she talks about destiny…and yes, it can come calling at any stage in life. See “Your Destiny Knocking.”

A lawsuit against an e-bike company brings up the issue of e-bike safety after the death of a 12-year-old girl, Rita R. Robison, a consumer and personal finance journalist reports. E-bikes, bikes with small electric batteries to boost pedaling, can go up to 20 to 25 miles per hour. They’re gaining popularity among seniors, who may not be able to pedal for long distances but can enjoy bicycling for recreation, exercise, and shopping.

Most of us have done things in the past we regret, but it is part of our evolution as human beings. Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com wrote about a few bone-headed things she’s done in Regrets? Do You Have a Few? I Certainly Do and hopes to repent from them by putting them out in the world.

Every night, Corinne writes down a quote that has inspired her in the course of the day. She collates these quotes into a post every month. Here are the words that inspired her in January 2023

It was an amazing text to receive from Laurie’s husband, with almost historic significance. She looked at her phone in shock. Was this a mistake? But no, it had come from Randy. She stared a few more moments at a message she’d never received in over forty years of marriage.

It was a normal Sunday potluck at the Tolleys. Kids and grandkids had been fed and had separated into their usual age groups. Adults and teenagers were upstairs playing cards. Tweens downstairs constructing magical kingdoms with Playmobil. And the five and under crowd doing…something.

Meryl Baer of Beach Boomer Bulletin is not fond of housecleaning of any kind – especially decluttering. With the help of her son, she spent an afternoon rooting through boxes of stuff stored in her garage. The objective: make room for additional boxes currently in her house. There was an upside to this task, however. The job offered a walk down memory lane.

I've been missing my favorite bloggers; hopefully, you have too. Let's snuggle up with these Boomer Blogs. #boomers #boomerblogs #bloggingboomers