
It’s my turn to host the Blogging Boomers this week. We’re a small but mighty group of bloggers this time around.

With trails and pathways spread invitingly about their hometown, Diane and some of the 27 local members of her family spend many a happy summer morning bicycling. In a train that often stretches a block, they explore the many lakes and playgrounds that dot the community. They’ve had relatively few mishaps. Sometimes to the youngest cycler…but mostly to Grandma. Following one more knee-bruising incident, her family devised a creative, albeit not without hazard solution.

Most introverts (and Laurie is definitely one) love and need people. After all, no man–or woman–is an island. And yet, only solitude has special powers to energize and soothe. She now sees how private time has always filled five essential needs…

When we were young, heart-stopping meant something entirely different than it does in our senior years. Over on her blog, Carol Cassara tells us about a scary turn of events –that had a happy ending–and a lesson in What I Learned from a Potentially Heart-Stopping Situation.

After learning she’s going to need to wait 10 months to get her teeth cleaned, Rita R. Robison, consumer, and personal finance journalist, wonders How’s the Customer Service You’re Getting These Days?

As I said, a smaller group than usual but still interesting reads. I hope you enjoy.

It's the Blogging Boomers post. We're a small but mighty group of bloggers this time around. #blogging #bloggingboomers