
In a previous post, I shared how I wanted to show more gratitude. So much so, that my vision boards were covered with terms like ‘give thanks’ and ‘grateful’ and ‘thankfulness,’ but I wasn’t doing as much with it as I would have liked. T is for Thank you, and here’s one way to say thank you.

One day, I was going through my notebooks. If you recall, I keep all my notebooks because I capture notes, quotes, phrases, and the fits and starts of beginnings and sometimes endings of potential posts. In one notebook, I came across the below quote.

Thank you for the challenges, opportunities, and beauty of this day.


How do you end your day? Is it with thankfulness and gratitude? The above quote is so easy to say at the end of the night if other words fail you.

Maybe the day was hard. But you got through it. Maybe you had a chance to do something you’ve never done before. And maybe the day just glowed. You saw a beautiful sunrise, glorious sunshine, blue skies throughout the day, and a gorgeous sunset. Even if it wasn’t the most beautiful weather.

Say, thank you.

I started this Blogging A to Z Challenge because I never really “came back” from the pandemic. I used to post three times a week, then I went to two, but during the pandemic, I was barely posting once a week. Some weeks it was a struggle, and I won. Some weeks it was a struggle that I lost.

As we came out of the pandemic, I was posting once a week regularly, but it was still a struggle. I wondered if I would keep blogging or just toss it all. Then I saw this challenge, and I thought I’d give it a try. If I failed, that would prompt me to quit blogging, but if I didn’t, I’d keep going.

I surprised myself. Except for my Wednesday Whoa and Creativity Prompt posts, all of my content, if I do say so myself, has been solid. I stuck to my theme of motivation and inspiration without running out of things to write. And, for the most part, I’ve been able to stay ahead of the game.

It’s actually sparked my interest again, and that’s exciting. So thank you for the challenges, opportunities, and beauty of this whole month!

When I told my husband I was doing a post about saying thank you, he wanted me to include the below. So I say it with meaning.

Thank you for being a friend.

Andrew Gold