
The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting warmer. Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start, and this applies to your self-care routine as well. Do you need to spring-clean your self-care routine?

When was the last time you did something for yourself that wasn’t related to work or taking care of your family? If you can’t remember, it might be time for a self-care routine spring cleaning. Self-care is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, but it’s easy to let it fall by the wayside when you’re busy. 

Benefits of Spring Cleaning Your Self-Care Habits 

The arrival of spring is the perfect time to start fresh and reassess your self-care routine. After all, what better way to welcome the warmer weather than by giving yourself a much-needed refresh? Here are just a few benefits of taking the time to spring-clean your self-care habits.

You’ll feel more energetic: One of the best benefits of spring cleaning your self-care routine is that you’ll likely feel more active as a result. This is because making minor changes to your habits can give you a much-needed energy boost. For example, if your workout routine fell by the wayside during the winter, adding a daily walk into your routine can be a great way to increase your energy levels. 

You’ll have more time for yourself: Spring cleaning your self-care routine can also help you to make more time for yourself. This is because when you take the time to assess your habits, you may find some that you can eliminate. For example, if you’re spending too much time on social media, consider cutting back to give yourself more time to do things you enjoy. 

You’ll feel more productive: You may also find that spring cleaning your self-care routine makes you more productive. This is because when you have more time for yourself, you can use it to focus on essential tasks. For example, if you want to start a new project, spring is the perfect time to do it. 

You’ll be better able to manage stress: Stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health, so it’s important to find ways to manage it. When you can identify and eliminate stressors from your life, you’ll be better able to cope with the stress that does come your way. 

You’ll sleep better: Finally, spring cleaning your self-care routine can also help you to sleep better. This is because when you can stick to a routine, it can help regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Additionally, ensuring that your bedroom is a calm and relaxed environment can help you sleep better.

Tips on How to Spring Clean Your Routine 

It can be easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. Life gets hectic, and before you know it, months have gone by without taking care of yourself the way you should. If you need a self-care overhaul, spring is the perfect time to start fresh and make changes. 

Let’s start by evaluating your current routine. What’s working and what’s not? As you go about your day, take note of anything that you might consider self-care. Did you meditate or journal today? Did you read a book? Look in awe at a sunrise or a sunset? Get in some laughs with friends or your family? Eat healthily? Workout, even if it was only a walk? Get enough sleep or even take a 15-minute nap during the day? Splurge on a mani/pedi or massage? Connect with people who lift you up? Cuddle with your kids or your pets or both? Did you take time to savor moments? Savor events and people? 

Perhaps your routine relied on those heavy things that bring comfort during the winter? Sitting in front of the fire, eating hearty stews, enjoying fleece, or sleeping on flannel sheets? Did your workouts include skiing, skating, or building snow people and snow forts with your kids? Take that all into consideration, too.

Now that you know what you’ve been doing (and, in some cases, not doing), it’s time to create a list of things you want to be in your self-care routine. Think about what your goal is. Do you want to feel more rested, relaxed, or energized? Do you want to focus on your mental health, physical health, or both? Choose a few specific goals and plan for how you’ll achieve them. 

Make time for yourself. One of the most important aspects of self-care is making time for yourself. This can be tough to do when you’re constantly on the go, but it’s essential to carve out some time to focus on your well-being. Whether setting aside 30 minutes for daily meditation practice or taking a weekend trip to recharge, make sure you’re making time for yourself. 

Choose activities that make you happy. Part of taking care of yourself is doing things that make you happy. This might mean different things to different people, but the important thing is to find activities that bring you joy. It could be taking a dance class, walking in nature, or cooking healthy meals. Whatever it is, ensure you’re incorporating things into your routine that make you happy. 

If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to let it go. Just because you’re trying to improve your self-care routine doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to do things you don’t enjoy. If a particular activity isn’t giving you the results you want or is just plain unpleasant, don’t be afraid to ditch it. Explore different activities and find what works for you. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to adjust to new practices. 

Use this workbook, Self-Care is Mandatory, to help you evaluate your current routine and plan a new one.

Practical Strategies to Rejuvenate and Reclaim Your Self-Care Routine

Remember, self-care routines are meant to be a hassle. Plenty of simple, practical ways exist to rejuvenate and reclaim your self-care routine. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Schedule some “me time” into your week. Whether it’s an hour for a yoga class or a luxurious afternoon at the spa, make time for activities that make you feel good. Treat yourself like you would any other necessary appointment and put it in your calendar. 

2. Get moving. Exercise is a great way to release tension, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels. Get up and get moving, even if it’s just for a 20-minute walk around the block. Even a moderate amount of activity can make a big difference. 

3. Connect with nature. Spending time in nature can help you feel more connected to the world around you and can be incredibly calming. So next time you need to de-stress, head outside for a little fresh air and take in the beauty of the natural world. 

4. Make time for leisure activities. Hobbies, crafts, and other leisure activities can provide a much-needed break from the demands of daily life. They can also help you tap into your creative side and can be a great source of relaxation. Make time for activities that you enjoy, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day. 

5. Nourish your body. What you eat has a direct impact on how you feel. Try to nourish your body with healthy, whole foods that will give you the energy you need to get through your day. And remember to drink plenty of water! 

6. Get enough sleep. When you’re run down, it can be tough to muster the energy to take care of yourself. Aim for 6-8 hours, and create a bedtime routine to help you wind down and relax. 

7. Practice self-compassion. If you struggle to stick to your self-care routine, cut yourself some slack. Be patient and kind to yourself, and remember that even small steps can make a big difference. 

Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By incorporating just a few of these simple tips into your life, you can start to feel mentally and physically better. So recharge and renew, and give yourself the attention and care you deserve.

Spring is the perfect time for a fresh start, and this applies to your self-care routine as well. Do you need to spring-clean your self-care routine? #springclean #selfcare