
I hope Easter day finds you safe and if not celebrating with those you normally do, at least being quarantined with those you love. The Blogging Boomers have some posts to share to remind you of Spring and Easter. I hope you enjoy this look at how we can renew ourselves while reminiscing.

With so much time sheltering place (at least for most of us) we might all be ready for a spring cleaning of our psyche, suggests Carol Cassara at Heart Mind Soul. She talks about relinquishing the things that no longer bring us joy in her post Spring Cleaning for the Psyche.

Laurie Stone of Musings, Rants & Scribbles knows the feeling. You know that one. You get comfortable in life until something pulls you out of your routine. You’re forced to stop, watch, and listen. This happened last year on Good Friday when her 22 year-old son Paul ended up in the emergency room. 

It is unmistakable – spring is here. The days grow longer, the sun more intense, and we celebrate holidays that greet the season with chocolate bunnies and brightly decorated baskets. Years ago Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting’s spring began with a new outfit. Nowadays the holidays and the season mean time outdoors, as she relates in The Promise of Spring.

Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com is moving this weekend. Talk about bad timing! But she wanted to share an Italian Easter recipe that you may enjoy. It’s a Torta d’ Erbe which is a Frittata. And it’s made with only 3 eggs.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist, writes about an Easter survey that shows in the era of the coronavirus traditional Easter spending is down, with almost half of Americans indicating they’ll be skipping candy, new outfits, and Easter foods this year. Rita also shares a lovely memory of celebrating Easter with her mother.

 Tom at Sightings Over Sixty reaches back through the years for his reflections of Easter. And as you might be able to tell from the title, The Fist Fight, it’s not your typical Easter story.