What She Did To Travel The World

What She Did To Travel The World

Today I’m interviewing Tiffany Schureman who early on knew that she wanted to travel the world.  When an overseas job opportunity became available she jumped at the chance to move to Qatar.  Tiffany is the blogger behind A Girl And Her Passport where she shares...
How Challenge Makes Her Stronger

How Challenge Makes Her Stronger

Change happens every day, we all go through it.  Some changes are small, some are big and some become challenges.  Today, I want to introduce you to Ellen.  In the past few years, she’s experienced a lot of change including happy changes and not so happy.  In...
How She Can Inspire You To Change

How She Can Inspire You To Change

As we go through life, all of us will be faced with decisions.   Do we turn left or right?  Do we stay in our current job or take another one?  Do we live where we’ve always lived or do we move to a new state? Today, I’m interviewing Jess who made these...
How Love Made Her An Expat

How Love Made Her An Expat

Welcome back to my Starting Over interview series.  Today, meet Cherie, a nurse whose one simple question online led to romance and eventually a move from the United States to Germany.  Here’s how love made her an expat. Can you please introduce yourself, tell...
What She Did After A Layoff

What She Did After A Layoff

I am continuing my interviews with people who start over and begin again.  We all have so many different reasons for why we want to try something new or start over.  We also have a lot of automatic fear built in, starting with the big one:  What if I fail?  I hope...
Why She Moved To The Country

Why She Moved To The Country

Taking a chance and beginning again is not just reserved for starting new careers.  Today, I interview Rachael who began again in a new location.  Read why she moved to the country. Can you please introduce yourself, tell us what you do and where you do it? I’m...