
It’s time for me to host the blogging boomers again. This week, boomers are focused on finding balance and comfort in this world. Here is a round-up of my favorite boomer blogs.

Many of us know that feeling. We start reading today’s headlines with their litany of destruction, hatred, and tragedy. We feel almost ill. Our pulse raises and our stomach tightens. We get depressed and anxious. Laurie Stone wants to know if this happens to you. If so, you might be an Empath. Here are 3 ways to tell…

Have you heard about the Japanese concept of Ikigai? Its key principles will help you to achieve balance in all areas of your life. Rebecca Olkowski, of BabyBoomster.com writes about why you may want to implement it into your daily routine. 

The world’s in a sorry state, and Carol Cassara feels drawn to comfort…including comfort foods. This week on her blog she offers a healthy, delicious, and very comforting side dish that’s perfect for fall.

The onset of a cooler season and the bombardment of negative news resulted in Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life falling off the diet and healthy food wagon. She indulged in comfort food…because she could. Check out her post Comfort Foods for Troubling Times.

After writing about Fire Prevention Week, Rita R. Robison, a consumer and personal finance journalist, decided she needed to get new fire extinguishers. Older adults have a higher risk of dying in a fire, so they need to check out Robison’s article on what they should do to make sure they and their homes are as safe as they can be from fires.

It’s a small but interesting offer this time. I hope you enjoy this round-up of my favorite Boomer blogs.

This week, boomers are focused on finding balance and comfort in this world. Here is a round-up of my favorite boomer blogs. #bloggingboomers #boomerswhoblog