
Baby Boomers come in all shapes, sizes, and interests.  That’s why any Baby Boomer round-up of posts is going to include a wide variety of posts.  Here’s the latest from my favorite group of boomers.  On any given week, we’re writing about what interests us and in these posts, you can see that the one thing we have in common is how different we are.

How about broadening the definition of Valentine’s Day? Carol Cassara at A Healing Spirit has some great suggestions about doing just that in Redefining Valentine’s Day.

On The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, writes about a study that found drinking two or more artificial sweetened sodas daily was associated with an increased risk of having a stroke, heart attack, and early death among older women. The researchers also found that risks were higher for obese and African women.

Do you think, as people get older, they can develop allergies they’ve never had before? Tom Sightings thinks so, and so he read a book explaining how allergies are becoming a lot more common — allergies to peanuts, dust mites, animal dander, shellfish, and a lot of other things. Fortunately, as he explains in Let Them Eat Dirt, there are some things we can do about it.

Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com wrote about the importance of combining Self-Care with Excellent Healthcare to stay in optimal health in partnership with Anthem Blue Cross. In the post, she included a “health-boosting salad” recipe.

A popular way to travel today is cruising. Should you plan a cruise vacation? Will you enjoy the leisurely days or get bored? Currently enjoying a cruise, Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting has been thinking a lot about the pros and cons of cruising. She lists the 10 Pros and 10 Cons to Cruising in her latest post.

I hope you enjoyed this short round-up and visit all my blogging boomer buddies for some inspiration.