
Today is the International Day of Peace also known as World Peace Day.  It was created by UN resolution 36/67 back in 1981 as a day that “…shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”   This year’s theme is “Partnerships for Peace, Dignity for All.”  The Secretary-General calls on all countries, agencies, faith-based groups and others to help foster social progress to bring about peace.

The Peace One Day Foundation, founded by Jeremy Gilley pressed the United Nations to establish the annual day of ceasefire and non-violence.  In 2001, September 21 was established as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire in which all nations are invited to participate.  You can find out more about Peace One Day here or you can view the video below:

world peace day on UnfoldAndBegin.com