
I hate to say it, but 4th of July is turning into just another day off for me.  Slowly, it’s becoming a day that reminds me of what I miss on 4th of July.

those who deny freedom

  1. I miss having my own a backyard….the condo I live in has a shared yard.
  2. I miss the cookouts.
  3. I miss getting together with my family, my Aunts, Uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews–basically everyone—on the 4th of July.
  4. I miss sliced watermelon and kids spitting seeds at each other.
  5. I miss the card games, horseshoes, and laughter.
  6. I miss fireworks actually being blown off on the 4th.
  7. I miss my Dad and I miss my brother.  (This post was originally written in 2015.  Sadly, in 2019, I need to add that I also miss my sister and my Mother.)