
Recently a question about Vision Boards was forwarded to me.  The question was what do I put on my vision board? The answer may seem a bit complicated but it’s not really, it depends on your goals and your learning or vision board style. Below, you can find everything you need to think about to create a Vision Board.

What do I Need to Know Before Creating a Vision Board?

You need to know two things. Your goals and your learning or vision board style.  Goals, well that’s the point of a Vision Board, to see your goals so you’ll remember them.  You can use Ease Into Your Goals, a unique self-discovery journal to help you create the goals that work best for you

I truly believe that creating the best Vision Board for you means knowing what your Learning Style is.  That means if you’re an Auditory Learner, someone who prefers to hear lectures and likes to read aloud in order to learn, then you need to include affirmations.  Words and phrases that you should repeat aloud each time you are viewing your Vision Board.

Of course, a Visual Learner only needs to create a Vision Board with pictures and words and lookk at it each day.  But a Tactile or Kinesthetic Learner needs to manipulate the board.

The process of creating a Vision Board fulfills some of the needs of a Tactile learner, but there should be more.  Things like using puffy paint or glitter to create texture, Or having goals behind flaps that need to be opened. All will help Tactile learners to better remember their goals.

If you truly wish to learn more about your Learning Style, you can read Should You Have a Vision Board. Or you can go right to the Learning / Vision Board Style Quiz.


Of course, pictures should go on your Vision Board.  Not just any pictures, but pictures that show your goal as well as show you working towards your goal.  For instance, if your goal is to finish your schooling you can have a picture of a diploma or someone at a graduation ceremony. But you should also have a picture of books or someone studying.  Cluster these pictures together or create a path from one to the next.

For someone who is an Auditory learner, you can include words and phrases that indicate your goal.  For a Tactile/Kinesthetic learner, you can have the picture of a diploma hidden behind a door or use puffy paint to write in the goal or the year you graduate.

If you’re unsure of what pictures to use or can’t find specific ones to fit your needs, check out my vision board store. Here you’ll find pictures and quotes to use as well as some affirmations.

Words and Phrases

Some people think that a Vision Board should just be pictures of things but that’s not true.  Words, phrases, and affirmations are an important part, too.  Cut out your power words or phrases, words that reflect your goals, or even words that describe how you want to feel.  All are important.  Especially so for an Auditory learner who should read these words and phrases out loud while reviewing their Vision Board.

No matter what, your words should be supportive and not contradictory to your Vision and they must, must, must be in a positive format.  We’re trying to keep your brain in a positive framework and not throw negative words at it that it has to work around. Words like “I won’t” or “I can’t” should not be on your Vision Board or in your affirmations.  Look for the opposite of what you don’t want to be and frame that into a positive affirmation.  For instance, instead of saying “I won’t smoke” say “I am smoke-free and healthy.”

The same is true of the pictures that you use.  Use positive pictures like a healthy person who is working out or eating well instead of showing a pack of cigarettes with a big X over them.

Type of Vision Board

There are a lot of different types of Vision Boards.  You could create one that focuses on your goals for the next year or five years or even lifetime goals.  You could also create a Vision Board that is specific to one goal that you want to work on.

For instance, if quitting smoking is your goal, you can create one vision board for that specific goal. Things to do while you’re quitting such as taking up exercise or eating healthier food.  It can also include bigger goals that you want to complete once you are healthier. Hiking a mountain or running a marathon, for instance.  It’s whatever your Vision that a healthy smoke-free body represents.

You can make several specific goal Vision Boards either at once or one at a time.  You can even make a larger one and create clusters within it.  Cluster different goals into different sections. One for health, career, family, vacation, etc.

Some people are more random with their, placing pictures and words wherever they like.  Others are more specific with a certain pathway that they want to follow through their Vision Board.  Create the type that you want to see.

If you are an Auditory Learner and using affirmations with your board, you can either sprinkle them among the pictures or make the affirmations the biggest part.  Create a circle in the middle with points coming out. Write each affirmation on one of the points.  It would look like a sun with all the rays of the sun being a different affirmation.

And there are a lot of different ways on which to create your Vision Board.  It can be on a piece of cardboard, it can be a portable Moleskine Japanese Journal, or it can be in a bullet journal.  It can even be on a Pinterest Board.

I Don’t Have Time To Make a Vision Board

I know that cutting pictures and phrases out of magazines and brochures can take some time.  But luckily there are kits for that.


I hope I was able to answer any questions. If you still have any questions please put them in the comments below so I can assist.

Not sure what to put on your vision board? Pictures? Words? Both? Find out what you need to create your best Vision Board to support your goals. #visionboard #goals #portablevisionboard #visionboardstyle #manifest