Skipah’s Stepping Out Of The Box

Skipah’s Stepping Out Of The Box

These last couple of weeks have been pretty wild.  First, my husband and I moved back in with my mom last week.  It takes some getting used to.  And this week, I’m on vacation.  We left during the middle of the night before this even posted.  To help make my...
My Life Changed Drastically Last Week

My Life Changed Drastically Last Week

My life changed drastically last week.  On Wednesday, October 12th, I found out that my call center was closing.  I have a choice of applying for other positions or taking a very generous package.  I’m taking the package. That might sound crazy to some people....
5 Ways To Try Something New

5 Ways To Try Something New

Does trying something new scare or overwhelm you?  Usually, I ask that question and people jump to their big fear and say “Yes, it scares me.”  But you don’t have to start with the big fear (flying, heights, clowns,) you can start much smaller and...