
People who refuse to rest honorably
on their laurels when they reach retirement age
seem very admirable to me.
Helen Hayes

What will you do when you retire?  Do you have plans?  Have you been saving money?

I remember when my father retired in 1985.  He had a list of projects to do around the house.  It included painting rooms, fixing the basement and creating an office in an unused bedroom.  In the last couple of years that he was working, he created the list and kept adding to it as he found projects that would take longer than a weekend.  It was a fairly long list.  Then he retired and completed the list in three months.  After my parents came home from a month long trip around the country, he was so bored he found a part-time job.

What are your plans?  Are they enough?  You don’t have to go back to work, unless you want to or unless you need the additional money.  My sister, at 76, works part-time to help fund the vacations that she and her husband like.  She also does it to stay active and because she enjoys the social aspects of working.

Like Deb from Monday’s post, I found myself in early retirement when my company downsized.  My role right now is as the primary caregiver for my 98-year-old mother who is still with us.  It wasn’t my original plan for retirement, but then again, I wasn’t expecting it to happen early either.  My original plans are still there, they are just delayed for now.  It’s ok.

Three different people all in the same family.  Three different approaches to retirement.  Again, I ask…what will you do?  Are you preparing?