
It’s the end of 2016 and time to look back at the past year.  What worked, what didn’t.  What did you like, what did you not like?  And what might have happened that changed your trajectory? Once that is done, it’s time to plan out next year.

Each year, I like to set aside time to plan for the next.  I check in with my lifetime goals to make sure that I’m still on track and that they haven’t changed.  If lifetime goals change, then I need to look at my three and five-year goals to make sure things are still pointed in the same direction. Sometimes life throws a curveball (like it did with my job,) and adjustments need to be made.  It’s important to be flexible enough to make those adjustments.  You don’t want to be so rigid in your plan that you have to throw it completely out and start over.  For me, the change in my job status doesn’t impact the lifetime goals, but there are some current changes in my one and possibly three-year goals that will need to happen.

To help you make your plans, I created a post last year, Planning Goals for 2016 and Beyond, which is still relevant in planning this year (or any year.)  This post will help you think about lifetime goals and then work backward to create 5, 3 and 1-year goals to get you there.  After you’ve decided on those goals, then check out Plan A Date For It which will help you get everything into your planner.  Once you’re done with both of these, then it’s time to Create a Portable Vision Board to keep your goals in mind.

With all of these tools at your fingertips, you’ll be able to start making and keeping your life plans.