
May was a busy month and unfortunately, I missed a few weeks posting.

Right after Mother’s Day, Chris and I vacationed in Myrtle Beach, SC for a week.  As New Englanders who were still getting temps in the forties in May, it was so nice to be warm again.  We spent most of our time at the beach.  Morning walks, evening walks, and in between playing in the surf and sand.

Myrtle Beach in the morning

Myrtle Beach in the morning

2014-05-13 21.00.20

Myrtle Beach, SC at night

2014-05-13 11.45.08

Look what we found!

Unfortunately, when we returned from our vacation, Chris’ mother—-who had been fighting cancer–took a turn for the worse.  She passed on Memorial Day weekend.  Mary was a strong woman who had been fighting cancer on and off for the past 17 years, but this last round was the toughest and in the end, she realized it was time to stop fighting.

She took her last few days visiting with children, grandchildren, sisters, and even nieces and nephews, holding court in her hospital room while they laughed over silly family stories.  After all, this is the same family who held a Chemopalooza party for Mary just before she started her first rounds of chemo back in 2012.  Mary left a legacy of love and laughter as evidenced by her whacky party!

Kicking Cancer's Ass One Day at a Time

Kicking Cancer’s Ass One Day at a Time