
Today is the 20th Anniversary of the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women committing to ensuring that women and girls around the world have the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of life.  But we’re not there yet.

Please read and participate to bring more awareness to this issue.  The current state of affairs is what allows girls to be kidnapped and sold to men.  The current state of affairs is what allows men to legislate over women’s bodies instead of allowing women to make their own educated decisions.  The current state of affairs allows women to make less money than men (in the US that’s 78 cents on the dollar that every man makes…is a woman only 78% as important as a man?)

We're not there yet.

We’re not there yet.

To learn more and learn how to participate, check out the website which can be found through NoCeilings.Org.  The Clinton Foundation also has information, including 5 Ways to Participate in No Ceilings’ #NotThere campaign.
