
Blogging is hard.  You create content.  Edit it.  Find pictures to use for social media.  Put it all on your blog.  And then what?  Wait for someone to show up and accidentally read it?  No.  Now you have to share it through social media, in Facebook groups, on Twitter, and on Pinterest.  The list goes on and on.  But if you’re doing all of that…when do you have time to write content; which is why you started blogging in the first place.  It’s time-consuming. and can get confusing and sometimes frustrating.  Which is why I turned to a social media manager and found out how to rocket your stats with social media management.

Let me paint a picture of my stats before.  I would start off the year on a high note of readers before dropping into the abyss known as February and March.  I’ve seen other bloggers complain about this February/March drop off, so I wasn’t too concerned.  But then it would take months to start growing again.  By the time September rolled around I was finally seeing an improvement in visitors and would end the year on a high note.  And then January would roll around and the whole process would start over again.

But this year, I decided to change tactics and turned to a Social Media Manager.  Suzie from Suzie Speaks to be specific.  Suzie not only runs a successful blog, but she also runs the popular Big Up Your Blog group on Facebook.  She specifically manages Pinterest and Twitter.  She’ll set up your profile if you don’t have one or adjust it if it needs improving.  She organizes and optimizes your boards, descriptions, and keywords while also getting you added to group boards and creating your own group board.  She does daily pins and tweets with hashtag link ups.  And she’ll even create Pinnable images for you using Canva.   I love the Pins that she creates.  Some of the ones that she’s done for me are seeing very high activity on Pinterest.

I started with Suzie in February and  If you’re wondering what kind of impact that she is having on my stats, here are the facts.

  • My Pinterest traffic to my blog increased from 45% in January to 68% in April.
  • From January to April 2017 (last year) my growth was 1.5%.  From January to April 2018 (this year) my growth was 47%!  Yes!  You read that right.  47%!
  • By April 22nd of this year, I’ve already had as many views as I did last year in July!
  • January 2018 was my lowest month this year.  I did NOT see a dip in February or March views, instead, they increased each month!

October Through April Stats

Above is what consistent month over month growth looks like.  I’d never seen it before.  What you see from October to December is my usual story.  Go up one month, down the next.  But since Suzie took over my Social Media Management in February, I’ve seen consistent monthly growth even during those traditionally lower months.

Pinterest is the game changer here.  I’ve heard other bloggers talk about how much Pinterest traffic they get but I was always struggling in this area.  A lot of it had to do with my consistency in Pinning.  I would do well for a few days at a time and then forget to do it for a few days at a time and that was even happening while I was using Board Booster and Tailwind.  Tailwind doesn’t work if you forget to load it.

Since Suzie took over managing this process for me, she is ensuring that Pinning happens daily and at various times during the day.  She’s creating beautiful Pins that people want to click on and save.  She even optimized my boards by creating some new ones and changing the names of some others.  I thought I had cutesy and fun names, but they didn’t make sense to other Pinners.  And if they don’t make sense to others, you lose traffic.

What I also like about Suzie is how accessible she is.  If I have questions about what she’s doing or want to suggest a post to emphasize, she is right there.  Available to chat within reason.  Since she’s in England and I’m in the States, there is a time difference involved.  But she always responds in a timely manner.  Although she is doing most of the managing, I do feel like this is a collaboration to improve my overall results.  And so far I’ve been very pleased with the results!

If you think a Social Media Manager can help you, then I recommend Suzie from Suzie Speaks.  I think her rate is truly reasonable for the amount of work that she is doing for me each month.