
I’m lucky, my Mom will turn 96 in August and although she’s lost most of her sight, her mind is still sharp and she is as bossy, argumentative and well-meaning as when she was younger.  For this Mother’s Day, I thought I’d share some things about my Mom.


  • She doesn’t like to be called Mom, instead prefers Mother.  Her children never knew this growing up, even now we use Mother only when we we’re mad.
  • My husband always calls her Mother….he’s her favorite.
  • Mom worked third shift in a plastics factory in the 60’s and 70’s.  To this day, her kids still have plastic stack-able bins, plastic ladles or other cooking utensils that she got to take home because they were discolored.
  • She’s a worrier.   I once found her eating peanut butter crackers–her worry food—and asked why since all her kids were in the house.  She told me “I’m worried about what you’re going to do.”
  • She still gets together with her friends each week to play cards and laugh.  Her high school friends!
  • She loves Uconn Women’s basketball.  Don’t try to visit her while they’re on.  My brother and I both showed up one night to visit and she talked to us for about 15 minutes, then turned away from us, turned on the game and said, “I’m so happy you came by, don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.”
  • She loves a good fight, especially a political one.
  • All her children love her, despite the fights!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mother!