
Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than
a new combination of those images which
have been previously gathered and deposited
in the memory; nothing can come from nothing.
Sir Joshua Reynolds

Nothing can come from nothing.  So true.  We need to stoke our creativity with new thoughts, new images, new games, new ideas.  If we keep putting out work, but we never “take in” the work of others, eventually our fire is going to burn out.  Eventually, no new ideas will come forth.

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Adding Fuel to Your Creative Fires

You can listen to podcasts on any subject, not just creativity or your specialty.  How about reading, watching movies, playing with children?  And don’t just play with children, but listen to them.  Their creativity is extraordinary as they create new worlds for you to play in.  There’s always movement to fan the flames.  So many people say that it was while walking or hiking or jogging that the solution they needed came about. The key is that you need to find what works for you.  And it isn’t necessarily always going to be the same thing.

The key is that you need to find what works for you.  And it isn’t necessarily always going to be the same thing each time.  That’s why I try to diversify how I add fuel.  Sometimes it’s listening to music, sometimes it’s reading.  Other times, I like to listen to podcasts.  And finally, there is always lying on my back and looking at the clouds.

What adds fuel to your creative fire?
