
Today is my father’s birthday.  He was born April 4, 1919 and died December 5, 1999 at 80 years old.  After he died, we found a box of letters and cards that he’d kept.

Birthday Greetings 1946 - www.unfoldandbegin.com

Birthday Greetings, 1946 – www.unfoldandbegin.com

They were all sent to him while he was serving in the Navy during World War II and he saved them in a shoe box in the attic.  None of us knew they were there, even our mother didn’t know about them.  She said she threw out all of the letters he wrote to her because they were a little risque and she didn’t want anyone to find them.

dad birthday card

Above is one of the cards, sent by his sister for his 27th birthday, just as he returned from the war.  It was fun going through the box.  We found some of his pin-up girls like Rita Hayworth, a ration card and a couple of postcards from China where his ship spent some time at the end of the war.

In future posts, I’ll share some of the letters that we found.  They really bring to light what everyday life was like during such an important time in history.