
I’ve seen a lot of posts for goals from different blogs and it made for some interesting reading, but I never thought to do it for myself before.  I do see a lot of value in them, though and have decided to set some April goals for myself.

Monthly Goals

  • Move 30 Minutes a day.  Weight is something that I continue to struggle with and after working 10-12 hours a day, I just don’t feel like working out.  But I’m in my 50’s now and it’s more important than ever that I keep moving.  Whether it’s yoga or walking, I want to hit a 30 minute minimum each day.
  • Specific Social Media Days.  Not only do I have a blog, but I’m on Pinterest and Facebook and Twitter and….you get the picture.  It can be overwhelming trying to stay on top of it all each day.  So I’m going to try just one a day.  I don’t know for sure if this is the best option, but I need to try something because what I’m doing now is currently not working for me.
  • Add an email opt in for Unfold and Begin.  Don’t ask why but two years after starting this blog, I still don’t have an email opt in.  That ends this month.

Ok, I think that is enough for now.  I don’t want to go crazy setting too many goals for my first time out on this.  The plan is that in the first week of May, I’ll update how I did on these goals and then set additional goals for May.

What are some of your April goals?