
New Year’s Eve happens on Thursday which leaves you enough time to prepare for a new tradition. Gratitude in a Jar is a previous post that will help you create this new tradition which can be done by yourself, with your partner or with your family.  It’s easy to start a new tradition in 2016.

Start a new tradition in 2016 on UnfoldAndBegin.com

Gratitude in a Jar was originally posted on January 1st, 2014 about a tradition that my husband and I started the year he was going through chemotherapy.  We wanted to make sure that we were able to capture our moments of gratitude.  On a slip of paper, we would write out our gratitude for a specific moment or event and then put it in the jar.  At the end of the year, on New Year’s Eve, we opened up all the slips of paper and read them to each other.  This might sound corny to some, but it’s not. It’s easy to let a year pass without appreciating both the big and the small moments and this is a way to do it that can become part of your New Year’s Eve tradition.  Having lost two siblings in the last two years, I can certainly attest to appreciating those moments, like being grateful that I saved my sister’s last voicemail.  Jump in and create your own Gratitude in a Jar and start a new family tradition.